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Pax et Lumen International Academy was conceived to be a school that will meet international and regional standards.  Its curriculum, based on the Basic Elementary Education Curriculum, aims to set a new standard in elementary education in Region III through an enriched curriculum in Science, Mathematics, and the English Language.


Pax et Lumen International Academy will introduce simple science concepts as early as the pre-elementary or kindergarten years. Equipped with advance teaching reference materials and resources in science and math from abroad, the school will create an excitement about a “whole new world” of wonders about what composes the earth and the universe and what makes them work.


The school uses two methods of teaching mathematics and science: the inquiry method and the Understanding by Design (UbD) method. These methods help each child learn math and science concepts easily, thus improving his innate learning capacity.  The two methods also make learning more interesting for each child thus the child loses his “fear” of mathematics and science.


So, why is a science and math academy called “peace and light?” It goes with the belief that peace can only be achieved through enlightenment, intellectually and spiritually. Peace cannot be achieved without personal and social progression; violence thrives in moments of darkness of the mind and of the spirit.


Pax et Lumen International Academy is committed to help parents bring out the best in their children through:


  •     smaller class sizes  for  individualized instruction and academic guidance

  •     international teaching resources

  •     frequent teacher-parent consultations


Pax et Lumen International Academy opened its doors in June 2009, from nursery to Grade 4. It is located at Santo Entierro St., Angeles City in Pampanga.


Pax et Lumen now has classes up to grade 10 ( 4th Year High School). It is ready for Grades 11 to 12.




Pax Et Lumen International Academy, incorporated in 2007, is a selective elementary school.  The small class sizes of less than 30 provide a conducive environment for learning and better interaction between teacher and students.


Its rigorous curriculum  -  focused on math, science, and language proficiency as well as on other areas of intelligence and an inquiry-oriented teaching method -  aims to set a new standard in elementary education through its enriched curriculum.


Pax Et Lumen International Academy is a Christian school that will promote spiritual consciousness and value formation among its students by making them aware and respectful of other religions, belief systems, and cultures in the world.  It emphasizes the formation of universal values.


It is a co-educational school.  Admission will be based on a child’s ability without any regard for gender, race, economic class, or religion.  It has an administrative and teaching community that respects the uniqueness of each individual.


It uses academic, spiritual, cultural, and physical activities to bring out the best in each student.  It works closely with parents in guiding their children through regular parent-teacher meetings.


Pax Et Lumen International Academy’s ideals are summarized thus:  “peace and light through wisdom and compassion” – Lumen, Pax, Prudentia, et Pietas.




Pax Et Lumen International Academy was established to give parents an alternative choice in their children’s education.


  • Noting that the quality of education in the Philippines is affected by big class sizes, Pax Et Lumen International  Academy presents a choice where class sizes are small.

  • Aware that there is a need to intensify preparations for technological and scientific courses among the young, Pax Et Lumen International Academy gives priority to science literacy, mathematics, and fluency in the English language.

  • Aware of the need to strengthen values and spiritual formation among the young, Pax Et Lumen International Academy adds value formation lessons and experiences  in the classroom to reflect the two greatest commandments: “Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself.”

  • Aware that Filipino students have to be educated on the richness of the Filipino culture to give them a sense of national pride, Pax Et Lumen International Academy gives a special perspective to Philippine culture to enhance appreciation of it.

  • Aware that in a growing globalized environment, there is a need to open young students to interaction with people of the other gender and of other cultures, Pax Et Lumen International Academy presents a curriculum that is not gender-based nor limited to one culture.

  • Aware that there is a need for a school to offer enriched programs in science, mathematics, and the languages that is not yet available in Region III, Pax Et Lumen International Academy offers extended classroom services and improved curricula in these areas.

About Us

Contact Us


Tel: 0998-256-8631


2235 Santo Entierro Street, Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines

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