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Second Pax et Lumen’s Science and Math Fair held at SM Clark in November 2014

Pax et Lumen International Academy held its second Science and Math Fair in November 2014 at SM Clark to expand public awareness that science and math can be fun and that science and math are part of everyday life. Focusing on the theme, “Educational Preparation for Jobs for the 21st Century” the school had an on-the-spot essay writing contest on the topic and a Grand Masters’ Quiz Bee on Mathematics and Science. A total of 20 schools participated which reflected the interest in science and mathematics of Angeles City’s student population. There were also fun science-based games and contests like the Mouse Trap Grand Prix which used mouse traps as vehicles and making them compete for speed, like race cars. The Avant Garb-age Contest on the other hand, made use of ‘garbage’ materials to create garbs or clothes. The creativity of those who created the garbs or clothes was obvious as plastic cups, inner tubes of old tires, and used tetra packs were recycled and came out as materials for clothes! The fair also exhibited products created in the laboratory of Pax et Lumen: soaps with various scents, lotion, vinegar, vegetable-based cookies, These products showed that livelihood initiatives come from knowing one’s scientific principles and that such products are easy to make. The following schools won the following prizes: Grand Masters’ Quiz Bee: ELEMENTARY DIVISION: GRANDMASTERS – ANGELES CITY SPED CENTER SENIOR MASTERS- HOLY FAMILY ACADEMY JUNIOR MASTERS- HOLY ANGEL UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION: GRANDMASTERS- ANGELES CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR MASTERS- JOCSON COLLEGE JUNIOR MASTERS- HOLY ANGEL UNIVERSITY Essay Writing Contest BEST ESSAY: CENTRO FIDEI SCHOOL, INC SECOND BEST ESSAY: ANGELES CITY SPED CENTER Mouse Trap Grand Prix: CHAMPION: ENRICA SANDICO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECOND PLACE: ANGELES CITY SPED CENTER THIRD PLACE: ANGELES CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Avant Garb-age Contest: RAFAEL L. LAZATIN MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL

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