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Scholarship Announcement 2017

Pax et Lumen International Academy at Santo Entierro, Angeles City wishes to disseminate information on its partial and full tuition scholarships extended to all applicants entering Pax et Lumen in Grade 2 to Grade 10. The school awards a P5,000 tuition discount to any subject whose final math or science grade is at least 90%. A P10,000 scholarship is given to any student with a final grade of 90% for both subjects. Student applicants to any grade level starting Grade 2, with a 90% general average or more are given full or partial scholarships ranging from P20,000 to P40,000 a year, depending on their grades in the core subjects of English,science, and math. High School Student Applicants with a final average grade of 90% or higher with no grade lower than 85 in all subjects and grading periods, and a Conduct grade of 92% or higher are given FULL SCHOLARSHIPS. Students at Pax learn better than their counterparts in other schools because of their small class sizes that do not go beyond 20 per section and due to the school's emphasis on logical reasoning and analysis. Please call Pax et Lumen at 045-304-1903 or visit its website at or its Facebook page. Be part of the Pax et Lumen community and honor God by pursuing excellence in life.

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